Autore Topic: ArchiCAD plug-in for Maxwell Render 1.7  (Letto 12936 volte)

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ArchiCAD plug-in for Maxwell Render 1.7
« il: 19 Giugno 2008, 20:04 »
Product sheet

Whats New

ArchiCAD plug-in for Maxwell Render 1.7
Improvements and fixes

• The Physical Sky parameters were modified to fit the Maxwell Render 1.7 model. 
• Support for generating Maxwell material previews of ArchiCAD materials was implemented.
• The ArchiCAD material panel now has a visual material browser for MXM files.
• The material panel was completely redesigned with sliders for easier material set-up.
• Foam core rendering functionality is now available. This function renders a model with a default light gray color for all materials and transparency: great for studying lighting and shadows. 
• The Maxwell Render logo icons were added to all Maxwell Render panels for easier recognition. 
• Date/ time control added to the environment dialog (improvement over setting the month/ date/ hour in simple UI). 
• Shadow channel added to the layers/ channels dialog.
• “Disable Bitmaps” functionality is now available. 
• Tone-mapping parameters added. 
• ArchiCAD materials now take into account ArchiCAD transparency (AGS based materials). 
• Transparency enabled in ArchiCAD's Maxwell material panel. 
• Support for “Setting Emitter Color” using “Color Temperature” added. 
• Presets for emitters implemented for ArchiCAD materials. The same presets found in MXED can now be used in ArchiCAD directly, allowing for a workflow improvement. Simple emitters do no longer have to be created as MXM but can be created in ArchiCAD directly.
• Plug-in for ArchiCAD 12 now available. 
• Fix: clear MXM material button works properly now.
• Fix: texture maps were sometimes flipped on Mac OSX. 
• Fix: emitters created using automatic material conversion now use the color emission color of ArchiCAD.
• Fix: MXM materials with no preview are properly handled in both the material browser and the material panel: they sometimes caused crashes. 


« Ultima modifica: 19 Giugno 2008, 20:13 da Peter »