Nuova beta:
Release notes:
Changes/Improvements in version 2.7.4
- Change: Mesh "Smooth Angle" and material "Clamp Reflectance" parameters have been moved to the "PhotoRendering Settings" dialog Maxwell "General Settings" panel. These settings have visible result on the exported scenes, so it is more logical to store these there.
- Added: New "Radiance multiplier" setting in the "PhotoRendering Settings" dialog Maxwell "General Settings" panel. It is a global emission multiplier for auto-converted ArchiCAD materials.
- Added: New material parameter "Hide Geometry" (only for emitter type materials). To make it easy to create invisible emitter. (You have to restart FIRE to see the result.)
- Added: New material parameter "Embed in the scene" - normally plugin saves the referenced mxm file into the scene file, but it is possible now to keep it referenced only.
- Change: Automatic material conversion - the method how the plugin handles the emitter component has been updated, no it follows better the emission power what you see on the internal AC render.
- Added: Plugin exports the light components of Lamp type objects.
- Added: New light parameter "Export Light" setting in the "PhotoRendering Settings" dialog Maxwell "General Settings" panel. You can globally turn on/off light export.
- Improved: FIRE performance and stability
- Added: New camera parameters "autofocus" and "focusDist" in the "PhotoRendering Settings" dialog "Camera" panel.
- Added: Automatic path checking and easy (semi-automatic) path replacement in case plugin can't find mxm material, mxs reference, and other plugin related files.
- Improved: Legacy options - it is more automatic now (no need to set Maxwell Render as default render engine), and imports back all the mxm paths from the old plugin data (not just the materials which are visible in the 3D window).
- Added: New input file name field in the Maxwell "Material Browser" dialog
- Added: You can set Maxwell item parameters for ArchiCAD objects (Maxwell hidden flags + Light options) (Known issue: undo doesn't work for the object parameter changes in case user is inside the 3D window.)
Bugs/Bug fixes in version 2.7.4
- Sometimes FIRE doesn't refresh or doesn't add new geometry.
- Windows: possible crash at FIRE restart.
- Switching from emitter material to non-emitter material causes wrong pixels in the Maxwell material preview window.
- Possible freeze/crash in FIRE mode.
- OSX: possible texture export problem in case of non-common characters.
- Animation export problem: Maxwell can't save mxi and image output files after frame 0009. (Only if the last character of the exported file name is a number.)