Responsive facade

Responsive facade

Price: 30,00 EUR

The ArchiRADAR responsive facade objects have been conceived to speed up the designer's work in computational designs.
The responsive panels can be managed directly in Grasshopper using the Archicad connection; You will be able to create complex design with panels and pipes, starting from Rhinoceros using a simple surface.
A graphic interface of the object helps the designer in managing all the features.
Using MVO Model View Option you will be able to manage the setting of the objects with only few clicks without selecting and editing every single object.
You will be able to create also schedules grouping similar objects under the same column.

- You need base knowledge of Archicad, Rhinoceros and Grasshopper
- You need Archicad 24 or high
- You also need Rhinoceros 7 with Grasshopper
- Install the connection plug in to connect Archicad with Rhinoceros Grasshopper


HERE you can download a PDF

HERE you can download a DEMO


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